Last Updated: September 30, 2024
Seminole Wekiva Trail | ”Paint the Trail”
The Seminole Wekiva Trail is one of the best bike trails in Orlando. It is popular with runners, walkers, and cyclists and is located in Seminole County, just north of Orlando, Florida. There is a short section of this urban, paved trail where a local artist, Jeff Sonksen, has painted over 500 pop culture images on wood fences that line each side of the bike trail. His work is called “Paint the Trail” and attracts many active people who enjoy the fantastic wood fence art. This trail was also the location of the first Retirement Travelers YouTube video as John went on a morning run in this shaded section, which is accessible near the junction of Markham Woods Road and E.E. Williamson Road. Be sure to spend some time on the Seminole Wekiva trail, we think it is the best Orlando bike trail because of the amazing fence art.
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Beverly Romine
We love this trail! So glad to see it featured here.
Thanks. We have always loved this wonderful section of the Seminole Wekiva trail.
John and Bev