United States
We feel very blessed to call the United States our home. This country is diverse: mountains, rivers, prairies, deserts, seashores, big cities, and small towns. Each part has something to offer that is breathtaking. Our trip to see all the National Parks will always be one of the best ideas we had as a couple. A bucket list item for us of seeing all the states is complete, but we will continue to travel in the states because there are still places we want to experience. We hope you enjoy your trip across this great land! Keep reading to find out more travel information for visiting this great country.
Explore a State in the USA
Click on the state name to get travel information for each state.
Our Family in the USA
We love our country, but we love our family more. As time passes, we have more difficulty getting everyone together for a family picture (Alec & Taylor are missing in this one). But, the most exciting part is we continue to grow and now have three new grandbabies not pictured here, Della, Rylan, and Audrey. We can’t wait for the day the Retirement Travelers become “Grammie and Papa’s World Adventure” with all eight grandchildren in tow!

Pictured here are four of our five children with their families, plus Grandma Bean, our travel companion from time to time.
USA Country Facts:
Capital: Washington DC
Language: English
Monetary Unit: United States Dollar
Population: 331.89 Million
Total Area: 3,531,905 Square Miles
National Parks: 63

When to go…
Washington, DC
Spring and Fall are both great times to visit the United States Capital. March-May you can catch the cherry blossoms and September-November and see some changing fall leaves with the monuments in the background.

Explore travel in another country!
Besides our trips around the USA in an Airstream, we have traveled to many countries, so you check out our world travel guides here!